Services | Belief in the Midst of Unbelief

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FBCWest 572 | Belief in the Midst of Unbelief

Belief in the Midst of Unbelief | Poster

Recorded On: 09/17/2023


Hymn # 254 “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”

Giving of Selves and Our Offerings


Praise and Worship
“Love Is War”
“Only King Forever”

Proclamation of the Word
Message by Pastor Joe
“Belief in the Midst of Unbelief”

PRAYER TIME / Time of Reflection

“The Stand”
Benediction “There Is Freedom”

Sermon Notes
John 7:1 – 6 His brothers don’t believe in Him and mocks Him
John 7:7 - 9 Jesus says His time has not yet come and will not publicly go to Jerusalem
John 7:10 – 13 Jesus goes to Jerusalem and the religious Jews were seeking Him to kill Him
John 7:14 – 18 Jesus teaches in the Temple and they are astonished at His knowledge and He explains why, because He does not seek His own glory
John 7:19 – 24 Jesus demonstrates His healing was not in violation of the Scriptures – He says judge righteously
John 7:25 – 30 There is a dispute about Jesus and the religious leaders attempt to seize Him, but can’t because it is not His time yet
John 7:31 But many in the crowd believed


Transcript of Service

During Jesus's earthly ministry, he found himself being opposed, misunderstood, even hated, and people wanted to kill him. But in all that, in all that unbelief. There was in the midst of that belief by some. In our day today, we find much of the same situation. There's a lot of people who misunderstand through Jesus is they have opposition, even hate Christians. But in the midst of all that unbelief in opposition? Through our study of. The Gospel of John, perhaps we also will find belief and encourage you to continue your. Study of the Gospel, John come. Explore with us.

We're going to continue our study. Of the gospel of. If you have revivals and as I constantly say, you should please turn to John Chapter 7, we'll start with verse one. Now Jesus is ministering was not. An easy one. We know the conclusion. And then the final victory. But Jesus is if you will, popularity and his followers fluctuate. We took a look.

When he was teaching and he had a hard statement or difficult statement, and many of his disciples departed from him because they didn't understand the teaching, and as I constantly say, you don't understand what somebody's teaching, ask the teacher, not the students. But that's what they did to continue to ask each other and therefore had no understanding. But as Jesus is teaching, and as he's proclaiming himself the son of God, and that God had the father, had directed him to come. And to teach. He got opposition and ridicule. People wanted. To oppose him, they thought he was leading people astray and people wanted to kill him. And so we're going to see that because of this, he was primarily ministering at this point in the. Province of Galilee. He wasn't going to Judah because that's where the leaders of the Jews were, and that's where they wanted to, to kill him. And so when? Chapter 7, verse one, it says and after these things, Jesus was walking in Galilee, or he was unwilling to walk in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill him. Now the feast of the Jews. The Feast of Booth was near now. The Feast of the Book Feast of Booth is one of seven holy days for the Jews. There's. Passover, unleavened bread. First fruits and then there's.

Pentecost, and then in the fall there was Rosh Hashanah or the blowing of the trumpets, which I believe Friday or Saturday was that Jewish celebration. And then there was the day of Atonement which is in the two coming, I believe next Monday. And then there was a holiday called the feast. Of booths of chicote. And what this was were the people were to come to Jerusalem. There were three times out of the seven that the men, if at all possible, were to come to Jerusalem, it was. Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Booth and the Feast of Booth was to celebrate the Kingdom and the dwelling of the Messiah with his people. And so it was a an event, looking forward to to that Kingdom. And they would, if you will, create boost they would create. Palm branches and other types of trees as a tent, if you will, and they would live outside in these created booths. During this time. The interesting thing was the season. Booze is so important that during the millennial Kingdom. The The the Prophecy says that if the nations don't go to Jerusalem during the feast of boost, they won't receive rain.

And so God takes their cease to booth seriously, not only during the Old Testament times, and not only during the times of Jesus, but even during the millennial Kingdom. And so the feast of booths was near. Therefore, his brother said to him, leave here and go into Judea so that your disciples also may see your works. What you are doing. So they are telling him, well, if you are the son of God, if you are the Messiah, then show up publicly and proclaim it, because this is the time. When the Messiah would have the Kingdom and their saying these things. For no one does anything in secret when he himself seeks to be known. Publicly, if you do these things. Throw yourself to the world. They are, in essence, ridiculing. As we're going to see in the next verse, or not even his brothers were believing in him. He had a family relationship with his brothers, and his brothers didn't believe who he was, which I find very interesting because. Their mother. Both Jesus as a virgin. If anyone should be able to tell the family what's going on, it should be married. But again, just because you're in a family of believers doesn't make you a believer. It's individual. It's a relationship that you have now. Fortunately, at least two of these brothers will after the resurrection. Become believers and that's James and Jude. We don't know about others. Our Catholic brothers and sisters say that Mary was a virgin and she remained a virgin. Well, this this scripture makes no sense. If he didn't have that and is later going to be a scripture where he talks about his brothers and sisters and so his family ridiculed him. And if you. Just kind of take a look at. It in our lives. When your family. Doesn't love you or trust you or believe in you? And that hurts. It's one thing when the world doesn't care. But when your family? Ridicules you. That's a tough pill to swallow. So his his brothers would say ah. So going and do these things without a chair. As the scripture just said, the Jews were seeking to kill him. So Jesus said to them, my time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune. And again, he says something that we should we always want somebody else to do something when we should be doing God's will. All the time. Again, it's interesting. Well, you should start this ministry. Well, what about you? What are you going to do?

And so, Jesus. There's an opportune time for you. To do these things. And he says the world cannot hate you. But it hates me because I testify it of it, because its needs are evil. The time during Jesus's time they hated him because he said when he teaches and when he preaches, he's teaching differently. And they hate him. He will later tell us if we follow him, the world will hate us. And you can see that true, even in today's culture. You can have any crazy opinion or belief you want. Accept that Christian point well, let me back up. You can believe in Christ. Just don't share. Keep your faith to yourself, is what the world tells you. Everybody else can give their opinion. With a megaphone. But we are supposed to keep our faith. Because the world understands that its deeds or still feel. Go up to the feast yourselves. I did not go up to the feast because my time has not yet fully come. Jesus is saying there is a time when it's going to be appropriate for me to make a public entrance into Jerusalem. But not now. Is now my time has not yet come. My sacrifice will not be during the Feast of Booth. It will be during Castle. Which tells them. I'm not going. To publicly go now, this statement is going to confuse us. In the next verse. Having said these things to them, he stayed in Galilee, so he holds off. The family goes through Jerusalem, but he still stays in Galilee. But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he himself also went up, not publicly, but as if in secret, when he told his brothers he wasn't going. But now, for he wasn't going publicly. And he didn't want to go with his family because they were going to make it public. So he enters entered Jerusalem privately because his time has not yet come, and so he's not going to make a public appearance. But he. I hate saying this. Because I am in no way like Jesus. But I can identify sometime because there are times I've gone to like Bible studies or other things and will. Weird to myself that I'm just going to sit there and say nothing. And then they do something stupid. And then I violate all my and I start talk. But we're going to see how it goes. So the Jews were seeking him at the feast, and we're saying, where is he? Because they're thinking he's because he's the beside the synagogue, he's going to show up publicly. And so they're looking for him. They're going well. Wait a minute. He's not being here publicly. And there was much grumbling among the crowds concerning him. Some were saying he is a good man and others were saying no.

On the contrary, he leads people astray. So again, we see this misunderstanding of who he is. He's more than just a good man. I know he's not leading people astray. Is leading them to the truth. But they're grumbling, arguing amongst themselves about who he is. And again, that's in the today's world. We'll have all kinds of people telling you about who Jesus is. He'll say he's a good teacher. And yet don't follow his teachings. And as if you've noticed. Throughout the book of John thus far, his main teaching is I'm the son of God. I'm here believe in me. Well, if he's a good teacher. And accept his teaching. But everybody wants to say ohh he's a good man. Ohh he's a good teacher. And if he is following him? Then others will say no, he's not the Messiah. Whatever. And our faith is is ridiculous and and weak and. And you need a crutch. And there's all kinds of discussion. About who he is and whatever, and unfortunately even. Certain denomination will water down his teaching. Or drop it. Or you'll have people say, well, Jesus didn't say that he didn't do this. He didn't do that. So there's all these mixed opinions about who he is even today. Yet no one was Speaking of him for fear. Of the. They didn't want. To be blacklisted. If they, if the leaders of the Jews found that they were talking about Jesus is Jesus and their eyes was in the in the Jewish leaders, eyes was Public Enemy number one, they wanted him dead. But when it was now in the midst of the feast. Jesus went up into the temple and began to teach. This is where. Although, like I said, I am nothing like. And I freely admit that. And if it wasn't for Jesus. I'd be worse than I am. But Jesus. Even though they're seeking to kill him. Goes into the temple and teach. Because his ministry is to teach and lead people to God. In the thought. And so he teaches in the most. Public place. You can think of. The temple where everybody is going. And the Jews then were astonished, saying, how has this man become alluded, having never been educated?

I find this passage. Because some of the dumbest people I've ever come across. And major degree. They may know their subject. But they have no clue about life. And common sense. Some of the people I. Have been most impressed with are self educated. Because they have the desire to learn as opposed to the effort to obtain a degree so they can make money. So they jump the hoops so they can get a piece of paper to say I'm qualified. To do this. Job and then when they get the job, they have to be trained. To do the job. And so they're saying, well, wait a minute. Jesus didn't go to our synagogues to learn. He didn't go to our seminaries. How is it that he teaches so effectively and knowledgeably? Because he was never bored. Import educated. So Jesus answered them and said my teaching is not mine, but with his. The statin. Let me give you a little secret. The reason why Jesus was so educated and knowledgeable about the scripture. As he wrote them. He has God communicated to the Prophet, who then wrote down. Through the spirit. But God wanted to communicate to you and me. If I want to know something and unfortunately he's no longer alive. But if I wanted to know something about the law, I would read Perkins on criminal law because he was an expert who was an ex. Jesus is an expert on the scriptures because he wrote in. And he lived. Then he says, if anyone is willing to do his will, he will know of the teachings, whether it's of God or whether I speak for myself. Jesus says if you have a relationship with the father, then you know whether I'm speaking the truth. Because you understand his will and what he's communicating. So when we come to read the scripture, when we come to study the scripture, when we want to know more than we should be asking God to lead us in that understanding, and that we have a relationship with him, and when we have a relationship with him, then we will understand the scriptures better. But you will. Understand his grace. Because of who he is. You will understand that yes, he loves you not because you're special, but because he. You'll begin to understand his mercy and his justice. And that he is. Because if you are a committed believer and you see the world today, you're saying Lord, come quickly. Because if you wait much longer, there ain't going to be nothing much to come to. And your question about will you find faith on the earth may come true because this. World is just. When we learn of him. Whether Jesus. Is the son of God, or whether he truly did mislead the the. He who speaks. For from himself speaks his own glory. But he who is seeking the glory of the one who sent him, he is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him. So he's telling them.

Look at the communicator. Which is kind of a good thing for us. As I'm communicating this scripture. Am I safe to make myself look good? And I'm seeking to make him. If I'm seeking to make him look good, maybe you ought to listen to what I'm saying. I'm seeking to make myself look good. Maybe it's time to take a nap. Like most of you do. Did not Moses give you the law? And yet none of you carries out the law. Why do you seek to kill me? Boy, that's a if you will, a knife right into them. Because they are so proud of the fact that they follow the law. They don't do certain things on Saturday. They wash multiple times a day. They don't say certain words because they're trying to follow the law and Jesus is saying you don't carry. Out the law. And yet you're trying to kill me. The crowd answered. You have a demon who seeks. To kill you. Well, they were afraid to speak of him because of the Jews. Jesus is our and it has been spoken of by the other that they want him dead. Though he doesn't have it, even he's speaking the truth. Jesus answered them. I did one give me one being and you all Marvel. You are all super impressed that. I healed the man on a sad. For this reason, Moses has given you circumcision not because it's from Moses, but from the fathers, and on the Sabbath you circumcise the men. Now what he's saying is. Circumcision for the Jew was incorporated into the law, so they were to circumcise the male child on the eighth day. But the law wasn't the original. The original was from Abraham. Abraham was told to be circumcised to be shown that he was different. And that the Jews were to be circumcised and as a matter of fact, as Moses was going to Egypt. All of a sudden his family got sick because he hadn't circumcised his son. And so they had to circumcise his sons and his wife.

Who wasn't a Jew? Got mad when they did and took the four skins and threw it at. Fortunately for the baby, I'm not being a baby. Huh? It probably at least you don't remember how much it hurt. When you're 13 plus. It's going to hurt or what? And so he says. Abraham was the one who originally started God, told him, and all of his followers to be circumcised and was incorporated into the law of Moses. If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, though, that the law of Moses will not be broken, are you angry with me because I made an entire man? Well on this Sabbath? He's going in order to not break. The pre law law, you will go ahead if it's the 8th day which happens to be a Saturday Sabbath. We go ahead and circumcise them because the law requires that. But you're not supposed to work on the Sabbath. But certain things take precedent. And saying I made a whole man well. On Sept, I did. Why are you condemning me? Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteousness. Saying make sure you understand what this teachings are not just. Later, but the spirit as well will understand all that the law at stake. Only the people of Joshua were saying is this man, is this not the man who they are seeking to kill? Well, wait a minute. I just thought they said you have a demon. Who's seeking to kill you? And then they respond. Isn't this the dude who they're seeking to kill? Put a bunch of. Double minded. Look, he is speaking publicly and they are saying nothing to him. The rulers do not really know that this is the Christ dude. They, there's some say, well, maybe he is. Maybe there have been wrong and they're changing their opinion because they're not doing anything. And maybe this is the price. However, we know. Where this man is from, from whenever the price may come. No one knows where it is from. Well, two things they are wrong. Because they think maybe he's from Nazareth, or maybe from from Virginia. But he wasn't from either places. He was from Bethlehem. The scriptures say that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. So not only do they not understand who Jesus is and where he's from, they don't understand the scriptures. In Jesus cried out in the temple of teaching and saying, you know, both me and know where I am from and I have not come in myself. But he who sent me is true, whom you do not know well, it's obvious they don't know him because they are following the law. They're not following the scriptures. They're not following the spirit.

They're not having a relationship with God. They don't know. And Jesus says continue to say I'm not here because I decided to come. I'm here because the father sent. And Jesus continues to say and will continue to say, I am here and I'm teaching what he wants me to say and do. But unfortunately. The crowd doesn't know it. I know him because I am from him. And he sent. In the midst of opposition and hatred and threats on his life continues to teach. Who he is and what he is to do. So again, when people say, oh, he's. A good teacher. Then our response should be. Then follow his teacher. Who they were seeking. To seize him, and no man laid a hand on him because. His hour had not yet come. You see, God is in control. And it doesn't not matter how many people are opposed to Jesus is our is to come. When is our is set and not a minute earlier. For God protected Jesus through all this opposition and death threats, even though he is teaching public. Which would mean when we follow him. And when people are opposed to us. Then God will protect us until he's ready not to. Asked Stephen. He preached the wonderful sermon. At the end, they stoned. Because his hour had come. Though we are not to be fearful. Because God is in control. Here's the. Magnificent. But many of their crowd believed in. And they were saying, when the Christ comes, he will not perform more signs than those which this man has. In the midst. Of ridicule is. Own family with the children and amidst a misunderstanding in opposition. In the midst of people seeking the killed Jesus. In the midst of all that unbelief. No matter how. They're pressing. And no matter how. We may think. The world won't hear us. In the midst of all that unbelief. If we stay true to the word. Maybe many? Or believe in the midst of unbelief. You know, it's interesting. The church oftentimes grown not when. A nation is Christian. It oftentimes grown. When there is persecution. There are millions of people. Turning to God in China. Where you're not allowed to believe. But we believe. And they. And they worship in spite of the threats of jail. In spite of the threat. Of death. In spite of being placed in a reeducation camp. The church is growing in places like. And if they're growing in places like this? And as we sit comfortably here in our pews and as you're listening to me on wherever you are. If it's. This amount of freedom. And why should we not?

Proclaim food Jesus did. Because he is taller. To be his witness. To be. Teaching and making disciples and baptizing them and teaching all that he is men. Which means we need to know all that he is commanded so. That we might teach. It is easy. Say tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. And like. I'll start my diet tomorrow. Are such swearing tomorrow? I'll stop. Meeting my wife. We all put tomorrow on the agenda rather than saying. I'm going to start now. We experienced in our culture in this state. It's a couple of years ago. That we weren't supposed to worship. You should go to Home Depot. And come here. Always bothering rumbling. So you're thinking that the workers at Home Depot they're more about their client. Then the church prayers about his brothers and sis. And we did something against the law. We worship in. Because we're supposed to obey God and not men. In the next week or so I might get. Arrested for it and maybe that. But I do have a constitutional right to worship. But even if they take that constitutional right away. We're still going to worship. We're still going to be like Daniel when? Prayer was outlawed. Daniel didn't start praying. He just continued. We are going to be right in this area. Because we want. In the midst. Of unbelief, and we're going to take a stand on that

And all of God's people said.

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