FBCWest 641 | Preaching, that Is Why He Came

Recorded On: 01/12/2025
Hymn # 63 “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”
SCRIPTURE READING – Mark 1:21 & 22
Giving of Selves and Our Offerings
Praise and Worship
“God So Loved”
“Good Grace”
“Echo Holy”
Proclamation of the Word
Message by Pastor Joe
“Preaching, that Is Why He Came”
PRAYER TIME / Time of Reflection
“Way Maker”
Benediction “Let It Begin”
Sermon Notes
Mark 1:29 - 31 Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law
Mark 1:32 -34 Jesus heals the sick and demon possessed
Mark 1:35 – 37 Jesus goes alone to pray, but is sought out by His disciples
Mark 1:38 -& 39 Jesus goes throughout Galilee to preach and cast out demons
Transcript of Service
At the conclusion of that first message had gone and taught in a synagogue and they were amazed at his teaching and then he cast out a demon because the demon who knew who he was was declaring it and Jesus told him to shut up and he cast them out and that's the context and so we see the following up it says and immediately after they came out of the synagogue they came into a house the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Now Simon's mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever I want to stop there I want you to notice something we're always complaining that we don't have enough room what we have here is we have Simon and Andrew who are brothers living in the same household Simon who's Peter is married so she's there and we don't know who other founding members whether Peter has kids or or the father-in-law but there's a lot of people in the house but I want to spend a few moments to talk about somebody that you've probably never heard anybody talk about Peter's wife we know Peter has a wife that's here he has a mother-in-law you only get a mother-in-law if you have a wife that could be good that could be bad but you have a mother-in-law we don't know who's the name of Peter's mother-in-law I mean Peter's wife we're not told we are told in 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 5 that she was a believer now we're not told when she became a believer whether she became a believer during this period of time or after the resurrection or when Peter's preached at the in Jerusalem but we are told that that she was a believing wife and that she accompanied him on his missionary journeys I think that's significant because in a world where we everybody wants credit here's this person who is involved in Peter's ministry who we don't know the name of in today's world many pastors who are married have co-pastors the wife and the husband are co-pastors we see here that that Peter's wife is not a co-apostle she is a part of his ministry and she could be a detractor of that ministry if she so decided when I was seven I wanted to be a lawyer when I got engaged let me thought I was going to be a lawyer as a matter of fact that at towards the end of my first year of law school I was thinking about quitting because I kind of had it and I was kind of down and whatever and she goes you're not quitting because everybody will blame me if you quit so she goes I don't care if you practice law but you ain't quitting and so I continued on and then many years into our marriage I felt a call to the ministry again she didn't marry a person who thought he was going to be a pastor so it kind of came to her blindsided but she was very effective as a help to me because first off she supported my ministry she had her own ministry as well she loved doing women's Bible study she loved doing teas and other women's gatherings and fellowship she would always get the really little bitty kids in home in vacation Bible school she always had a great she had her own ministry but one of her effective ministries was allowing me to be a minister now those of you who knew her and quite frankly probably loved her better than you love me because she was more lovable but again there's that situation where she she supported my ministry she didn't have to be quote-unquote a co-pastor and I want you to know that there are a lot of people in ministry they will probably never know the names of but God does
you may be a person like Peter's wife who never gets any credit for his ministry but if she wasn't who she was that Peter could not have been as effective in his ministry so there's more ways to minister than to just simply share the gospel so this is now Simon's mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever and immediately they spoke to Jesus about her so there they informed Jesus that that she's sick and he came to her and raised her up taking her by the hand and the fever left her and she waited on them I want you to see that that Jesus does all things well now what do I mean by that first he heals her but I want you to think about the last time you had a fever now that we don't know how sick she could have the scarlet fever she could have had the flu she could have had some type of measles we don't know what the what the cause of the fever was but she had a fever now I want you to think the last time that you had the flu or something and had a fever as soon as you took all the medicine and you felt well you weren't a hundred percent you still were weak you were still tired you needed to sleep some more to fully recover Jesus not only heals her but she immediately is able to serve them to work with them to wait on them which means he healed her immediately he does all things well it's not a matter well she got better and then she recovered some and then ultimately recovered no no he totally healed her as if she was never sick at all he immediately healed her and she waited on them all too often we want God to do something for us we're in a bad situation and we make all kinds of claims and bargains with God God if you just get me out of this I'll do x y and z then God gets you out of it and you forget about x y and z we have a very short memory but when God healed her of this illness she waited on them we have an illness far worse than a fever we're sinners it's a terminal condition but he saved us and as a result we should wait on him that's what services that's what worship is is to wait on him and when evening came after the Sun had set they began bringing to him all who were ill and those who were demon possessed now I want you to notice after evening came well why was it after evening because that day was a Sabbath so first off Jesus healed somebody in a Sabbath fortunately the Pharisees weren't there to complain about it but it was a Sabbath and because it was a Sabbath you could only walk so far so people had to wait until the Sun went down which is a new day was no longer the Sabbath and so they came to him it's interesting how 2,000 years have passed and nothing is different we read last week and I read introduction today that when he taught in the synagogue it was amazing you would think that these people would come and say we want to hear more give us more of this amazing teaching tell us about God tell us about things we want to hear more that's not what they're interested in they bring to him those who are ill and demon possessed they're always pursuing God for their benefit it's temporary because even if those who were ill were healed they're gonna die it's temporary but the everlasting words that the Lord can give to us can not only change our hearts and our minds but our souls and has eternal remedies they should be pursuing him for who he is not what he does but all too often that's what we do we seek Jesus for what he does Oh Lord heal me Oh Lord give me this money do do all these various things for me God and I will make this kind of commitment and then I don't live up to it but whatever as opposed to what is the true value the true value is his teaching and I'll tell you why even more and so they were bringing because they saw him heal people and they saw him cast out demons they saw what he could do and therefore they were bringing him them to him so that they might be healed and the whole city had gathered at the door I mean it was standing room only not only in the house because of all the family members and all the other people but the whole city showed up because they want what they want they want to see Jesus heal and he healed many who are ill with various diseases and cast out many demons and he was not permitting the demons to speak because they knew who he was again he refuses to allow the demons to testify about him because it's our job it is our ministry to testify who Jesus is not theirs evil should never be the witness for the mercy of God and early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went away to a secluded place and was praying there is an interesting here's Jesus the Son of God God well even though he's been busy teaching and casting out demons and healing the sick goes away to a private place to pray he doesn't start a prayer meeting he goes by himself and communes with God it always reminds me of a saying that Martin Luther had Martin Luther had the same that said I am so busy today I have so much to do I don't know how much time I have to do it matter of fact I have so many things to do that will take at least five hours of prayer to get it all done we instead don't pray we just get busy maybe if we prayed some of the problems would just drop off or we would be more with wise in what we need to do to accomplish those things so if Jesus the Son of God God needs to spend time with the Father maybe we should too and maybe it would be more effective for our lives so he's praying there and Simon his companions search for him wait a minute where is he he's not at the house we've got to look for him
they found him and they said him everyone is looking for you again everyone is looking for him but why are they looking for him they're looking for him for what he can do and so often that is exactly what happens people will come to church expecting a miracle or a healing or or something and if they get it they may hang around for a little longer than they depart or if they don't get it they get disappointed and sad that the whole thing was a sham and they don't because they were looking for something rather than someone you've heard it said that oftentimes people have this big hole in their lives and it's a god-shaped hole the only thing that will fill a god-shaped hole is God a spouse a boyfriend a girlfriend a job wealth house the fancy car none of those things will fill that god-shaped hole you can try to cram things in it but it will never be satisfactory but again they're looking for something for Jesus to do everyone is looking for him instead of looking for him then he said he said to them let us go somewhere else to the towns nearby so that I may preach there also for that is what I came for now I want you to notice everyone is looking for him so that he might heal them and cast out demons and Jesus says that's just a part of my ministry that part of my ministry validates that what I say is true but I didn't come just to heal and cast out demons I came to preach to teach to give us God's word and as Paul says faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God Jesus's ministry was to preach the good news the gospel he didn't he came yes and he healed and he cast out demons and he did a lot of other things but his primary mission was to preach the Word of God all too often all too often we look for the stuff rather than the teaching a lot of people will attend big churches because it's happening it's exciting but if the pastor can't give you the Word of God just entertainment as the old joke goes with the kid who goes to church for the first time they give him a dollar to put in the offering played when he comes back home his mom asked well how was church he goes it's pretty good show for a dollar and that's kind of how we kind of treat it was church you know the you know we have the music was good the bat music is bad I like that song I didn't whatever should do more hamsters should do less than you know we're all criticizing the service as to say the best thing was let me tell you that I met Jesus there because he said we're one or two are gathered in his name or two or three gathered in thing there I am the music could have been exciting the preaching could have been wonderful but if Jesus wasn't there it was just a pretty good show for a doll
let us go somewhere else from the towns nearby so that I may preach there also that is what I came for and he went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee preaching and cast it out even you see didn't stop doing the things that he was doing but he did those things so that he might preach that he might validate this amazing teaching and I'm sure you all have had teachers they seem pretty amazing you have no clue what they're talking about
and it helped you in just amazing
you're just saying let me share you with you what God really liked
and how do I know what God's really like because I was with him before and I'll be with him again and I am him but to validate these teachings I will heal I will cast out demons I will raise the dead I will cause the deaf to hear the blind to see the mute to speak
all those things are wonderful but if we receive those things and not who he is and not what he says then we miss his most important ministry he came to preach the gospel to make a way for you and me he is a way maker
the castanero devens did make a way
healing even Peter's mother-in-law did it make a way but his bringing of the word of God causes faith to spring up which makes a way for you and me