Services | Living Water

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FBCWest 560 | Living Water

Living Water | Poster

Recorded On: 06/25/2023


Hymn # 447 “Sunshine in My Soul”

SCRIPTURE READING – Psalm 27:1 - 4
Giving of Selves and Our Offerings

Praise and Worship
“Love Is War”
“God You Are”

Proclamation of the Word
Message by Pastor Joe
“Living Water”

PRAYER TIME / Time of Reflection
“How Great Is Your Love”
Benediction “There Is Freedom”

Sermon Notes
John 4:1 – 6 Jesus travels through Samaria going to Galilee
John 4:7 – 9 Samaritan woman questions Jesus why He would speak to her since He is a Jew
John 4:10 Instead of answering – Jesus says if you knew who I am you would ask for a drink of living water
John 4:11 & 12 Woman wants to know where the living water comes from and asks is He greater than their father Jacob
John 4:13 & 14 The living water Jesus gives springs up into eternal life
John 4:15 She wants the water, but misinterprets Jesus
John 4:16 – 18 Jesus and the woman have a conversation. about her life
John 4:19 & 20 Woman says Jesus is a prophet and outlines the differences of where they worship
John 4:21 – 24 Jesus responds that worship is how not where
John 4:25 & 26 Woman knows that Messiah is coming – Jesus says that is He


Transcript of Service

If you have your Bibles, please turn to the Gospel of John chapter four first over the very first verse.

Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees. Had heard that Jesus was baptizing more disciples than John, and although Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were. He himself left Judea and went away again to Galilee. And he had to pass through Samaria now. What's happening here is that Jesus went from Jerusalem to Judea, was baptizing and creating disciples and and teaching them, and there was a John was also there, and there was this concern that that Jesus was outpacing John and John dealt. Jesus has him says that he knew that the Pharisees were aware, didn't say that he learned about it, or that he was told so. By implication, Jesus, through his knowledge as God knew what the Pharisees were doing and thinking, and so because of that, he decides to leave Judea. And go back to Galilee, because he's always trying to prevent the Pharisees from prematurely acting. And so he decides to go. Two Galilee, his home area and away from the religious authorities there in Jerusalem. This says and he had to pass through Samaria. Now this is very unique for Jesus is a rabbi because the Jews who consider themselves. Ceremony clean and whatever would have nothing to do with the Samaritans because they considered them as and incorrect in their worship and incorrect in their breeding. And so a quote. Quote religious Jew would not even go through Samaria. They would go around and avoid Samaria, which would cause the travel to be that much longer. But then they could consider themselves clean. Instead decides that he's going to travel three Samaria. So he came to the city of Samaria, called Sikar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. And Joseph, well, and I'm sorry. And Jacobs well, was there. So Jesus being wearied from his journey was sitting thus by the will. It was about the 6th hour, and so we're told that that during this travel that it's at the 6th hour, which is about noon. So it's getting to the end of the day from, you know, normally.

Noon to about 3:00, o'clock is the hottest time of the day and Jesus showing, in essence, his humanity is tired, so he decides to take a rest and sits by the well, which was. Created by Jacob and his progeny. And there came a woman of Samaria to draw water, and Jesus said to her, give. Me a drink? Or his disciples have gone away into the city to buy food. So it's just Jesus and this American. Therefore, the Samaritan woman said to him, how is it that you, being a Jew, asked me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman and then there's a parentheses so that John is explaining for those who aren't aware of the anti Samaritan view for Jews have no dealing with Samaritans, so the woman. After being asked by Jesus for a drink. Is somewhat sarcastic by saying oh, wait a minute, you're a Jew. You don't have anything to do with Jews with Samaritans. And on top of that, I'm a woman. So you would even have less reason to have a conversation with me. So why are you asking me for a drink? Because the Jews would consider even if I gave you a drink. When you touched it, you would be unclean, and so her response is I don't. Understand why you're talking to me. That Jesus answered and said to her if. You knew the gift of God and. Who it is who says to you?

Give me a drink. You would have asked him and he would have given you living water. So Jesus turns around and says I asked you for a drink. But if you would have known. Who I am. And the fact that I've asked you about water, you would have known that you should be asking me. Or living water. Now it's interesting. We'll have all kinds of people who will talk about, well, the living water. It's the spirit or water is the word of God. And those types of things, and and all of those have scriptural references. And I and I think they're appropriate, but I don't think it gets to the. Need of what Jesus is saying? He's saying I would give you living water. And I'm going to explain what I think Jesus means by living water in just a moment. So she said to him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with. And the well is. Deep where then? Will you get that living water? So again, she misinterprets Jesus. Jesus talking about a spiritual water, living water and not physical water. And so like many people, when Jesus talks about a spiritual teaching, she misinterprets it. About unearthly matter. And then she goes. You are not greater than our father, Jacob, are you? Who gave us the will and drank of it himself and his sons and his cattle. So she's going well. Wait a minute. It's Jacob who gave us this. Well, and he drank it and his cattle. And and everybody since. Jacob, we've been coming to get this water. You don't have anything to draw from. How is it that you can do this? Are you even greater than Jacob himself? And Jesus answered and said to her. Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again. But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst. But the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. So Jesus explains a little more about what this living water is, and so he says. If you were to drink out of the well of of Jacob, you're gonna thirst again. You've come day after day to draw water, and you're going to be thirsty again. And let's face it, that's what happens. Water is an essential part. Of our life. If we don't drink water, we will die. Naughty foods, or longer than we? Would survive without water. But the problem again with physical water is like other appetites. It never is satisfying. You need water every day. Just like we have on our other appetites, no matter what our appetites are, they never are satisfied. You can eat the largest lunch or dinner and be stuffed in a few hours. You'll be hungry again. Those are some truths in the natural world, and yet the same token, there are some truths about other appetites. People will have the appetite for sexual pleasure or have appetites for fame or power, or all these other things or money, and they never satisfy. Because their appetite. And Jesus is saying physical water. Is only there, but it will never satisfy you because you will need it again. But Jesus says I am offering living water that will satisfy you will spring up like a well within you and it will be living water and it will. You'll no longer be thirsty. You won't have those appetites.

And so I believe that the physical water. Is one thing that Jesus is using as an analogy. Of the living water and I believe that living water is faith in Jesus because we are told that our faith in Jesus is what gives us eternal life. And he's saying that this water will spring up into eternal life and. People who are disciples. We even have hymns and other songs. That talk about the Jesus. Is his drink his his presence is such that we aren't longing in our soul for more, for many other people have these holes in their life that they try to put things in. Just make them. Satisfied and and they feel like their whole. Because that hole is there for you to place God in and for you to have that well of living water that springs up into you and that Jesus satisfies. And so he uses that analogy saying. Earthly water, like other appetites and other things. Will never satisfy. And faith in Jesus and in who he is. And the woman said to him Sir. Give me this water so that I will indeed. Not be thirsty or come all the way here to draw again. She misinterprets what Jesus is saying. She's still thinking about physical water. She's not thinking about spiritual water because. She doesn't want to come here and it's obvious that she doesn't want to be there one. It's probably a mile or two from the town. She's there at noon, which means that not only she's trying to avoid the men of the town, but she's also probably trying to avoid the women of the town, and we'll see why in a moment that that might be the case. And so, she said. I don't want to come here and have to draw water because it's an effort and it's hot. And I might be embarrassed because people might. Cast aspersions at me or whatever, and so I just would rather not be able to come here, so I don't want to have to come. So give me this water. Can Jesus said to? Her go tell your husband and come here. And the woman answered and said I have no husband and Jesus said to her, you have correctly said I have no husband. For, you have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband. This you have said truly so. Jesus gets right to the point and says I know who you are. I know your life. Know your past. And notice he doesn't cast aspersions, he says. Bring your husband. You've spoken the truth. And he knew that before he ever asked. Her the question. The woman said to him, Sir, I perceive that you. Are a prophet. Well, she's partially right. Jesus is a prophet. He's a priest, he's a king. He's a Lamb of God. He's a lion of Judah. He's the son of God. He is God. He's all of those things. Not just the prophet. So she proceeds because he tells her about her life. I find that probably what her next answer should have been was. Lord, forgive me. From my past. But she doesn't.

But I think she does. As she deflects. Rather than dealing with what Jesus had just told about her about her, she goes our fathers worship in this mountain and you people say that in Jerusalem is a place where men ought to worship. So she now wants to have a theological debate with Jesus rather than dealing with the fact that Jesus just told her about who she is. She moves on to let's talk about theology, and she goes well we Samaritans. As far back as the northern Kingdom. Created a place of worship on the Mount just adjacent to. This Jacob's wealth. And when the Ezra and Nehemiah attempted to rebuild the temple and the Jerusalem walls, the Samaritans were ones who tried to prevent that they so then they reinforced the worship there. In Samaria, rather than in Jerusalem. And they were so much so that they even had a slightly different version of the Pentateuch than the Jews did. They kind of altered to somewhat to fit their. Theology that they could worship their in Samaria rather than going to Jerusalem. So she's saying, well, did you say you're supposed to worship in Jerusalem? We say you're supposed to worship here. Now, since what do you say? And Jesus said to her woman. Believe me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in in Jerusalem will you worship the father. You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know. Or salvation is from. So Jesus first tells her you're theology is a little wrong because you're worshipping, but you're not adequately understanding the scriptures because you modify them somewhat, but you worship their but you don't know. But you worship what you do not know, and we worship, we know. And she he goes. The Messiah, the salvation that comes, is going to come from the Jews. It's not going to come from the Samaritans, even though they do. Moses, as probably the one and only prophet. Jesus says you've excluded the whole Council of God, and so you don't know that salvation is from the Jews. But an hour is coming and now is when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and in truth. For such people, the father seeks to be his worshippers. So Jesus says. Yes, there is a place of Jerusalem that the temple and there are people who come and worship there, and there are people this Americans come and worship and that mountain Jesus says there's our coming and now is is present. That is not the place that you worship. But who you worship? God is seeking. People to worship him in spirit and in truth.

Not worship him in the sense of you do certain things like you give uh sacrifices and you and you leave certain things and you refrain from certain things. The activity that God is seeking, he's seeking you to worship. Him in spirit. And in truth, have the truth of God, who is truth, because God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and. People love either worship God and spirit. They want to, and in spirit they oftentimes think, oh, that's how I feel and I and I like this music and I don't like that music and I get goosebumps and I feel that's not worshipping in the spirit that's worshipping in emotion. And there are others who want to worship, but they want to discount what the Scriptures say about Jesus and about the father and about the spirit they're not worshipping in truth, and they're not worshipping in spirit of God is seeking those who will worship him, both in spirit and in truth, not one or the other. It's not where? The woman said to him, I know that the Messiah is coming and then this purple he who is called Christ when that one comes, he will declare all things to us. So at least the the Samaritan woman is aware that the that the scriptures talk about a Messiah and. Because they look at Moses as a prophet. So Moses talks about God delivering another prophet. And so she's picking up from that. I know that there's supposed to be a Messiah and he's coming and he's going to tell us all things and we're going to be able to to worship him and to the thought of him. Jesus's next statement I find very interesting. When religious people. These types of questions. He tends to be very. Guarded his answer. He also seems to answer in parables so that they're hearing that they were not hear and seeing they would not see, and so he doesn't answer them directly. But here's this American woman that want she's a Samaritan, that that the Jews. Our prejudice against she's a woman, so she has in this culture a lesser place. And so in both cases you would think,

OK, she would not. Jesus said to her, I will speak to you. Now, unfortunately, I don't think that's a great. This is what I think the translation should have been. Jesus said to her. Ice who speak to you. Jesus is acknowledging both that he is the Messiah. And that he is the son of God. And so he answers plainly to this woman who's had this conversation with the conversations about natural water and living water about. Her husbands, about him being a prophet about where to worship, and then about the Messiah. Declares to her. When you truly honestly seek. Or an answer. We'll be forthright with you. When you want. To play games. And he may be a little more fuzzy in his answer. You see the Pharisees. You didn't want to follow Jesus as Messiah. They will look for reasons to get rid of him and to deny him and to kill him. This woman sought. Out of her heart. And he gave her. An honest answer.

Of trying to fill that empty space. In your life. With a variety of different things. And like this woman, Jesus says you knew. Who I was. You would ask him. And living water. And he would give it to you. It doesn't matter. What your ethnic background is doesn't matter your. It doesn't matter your past. What it matters is just like this Samaritan woman. You honestly seek. The true answer. We'll give it to you.

And all God's people said.

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