Services | The Passover Meal Initiates the Lord’s Supper

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FBCWest 427 | The Passover Meal Initiates the Lord’s Supper

The Passover Meal Initiates the Lord’s Supper | Poster

Recorded On: 11/29/2020



November 29, 2020

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him

must worship Him in Spirit and truth.”

“O Worship the King”

Praise and Worship

SCRIPTURE READING – Psalm 33:1 - 5

“Shine On”


“Here is Our King”

“Living Hope”

Giving of Selves and Our Offerings


SPECIAL MUSIC – By Pru Hungate

Proclamation of the Word
Message by Pastor Joe
“The Life and Ministry of Jesus The Messiah”
“The Passover Meal Initiates the Lord’s Supper”

PRAYER TIME / Time of Reflection


Acknowledgements and Announcements
Benediction “Won’t Stop Now”

Sermon Notes
Matthew 26:20 & 21 While eating the Passover meal, Jesus reveals one of them will betray Him
Matthew 26:22 Is it I?
John 13:21 – 25 John at Peter’s prompting, asks who
John 13:26 The one I dip and give the morsel (sop) to
Matthew 26:24 & 25 Judas asks if it’s him
John 13:28 – 30 Judas leaves
Matthew 26:26 – 29 The Lord’s Supper Communion) is instituted


Transcript of Service

Last week

we started to look.

At the Passover Seder, that Jesus and his disciples participated in.

If you've never gone to a Passover Seder, then sometimes a little harder to understand.

What's going on? So the best way that I can kind of describe it to you if you've never gone to one, is kind of like a Thanksgiving meal at a family members home with an order of service.

Um families tend to and Thanksgiving do various things or not at all. You know, sometimes, like in our family will.

Gather round me either before or after meal and say what we're thankful for. Make everyone say at least one thing and then we eat. But there is a sense of it's a family meal and things are happening and people are talking and some people are talking in this group and other people are talking in that group. And sometimes somebody has the attention of the entire table and we do that. So it's it's kind of like that, except there's an order of service. They call it a hug and A and.

Saw who later became Paul his.

Rabbi was Gamiel and he said that there were three essential elements to a Passover Seder. The lamb, the unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

An if you don't have those then you don't have a technical Passover Seder, but then that is what's called the symbolic meal, and then there is the supper that people eat and enjoy, and so we're going to kind of see that in this flow of things, and so I'll try to explain that system, and we've already seen that Jesus has somewhat modified the Ha Gaddafi will, because initially they start off with a ceremonial cleansing of the hands.

And Jesus instead of ceremony cleans, cleansing their hands. He in a servants position, washes his disciples feet.

And so the meal is going to continue on. And we have this idea that somehow it's this Holy Reverend thing. No, it's a family gathering there. They're talking. They're discussing things an after the end of these.

Symbolic melantha supper. There is teaching and Jesus is going to do that, and that's part of the reason why John devotes so much time in his gospel to that last evening. Because Jesus does a significant amount of teaching. And so in.

Matthew 26 and we're going to be moving back and forth from Matthew to John 13, so you might, if you, if you have a Bible you might want to stick a Bolton in one of those and then will be flipping back and forth, because, again, the gospel writers don't write us a chronology of what's happening. They write US thematic approach. And so these things are important. So let's say to Matthew and some other things are important to John, and so I'm going to go back and forth.

As the Seder progresses, and so and Matthew 26, verse 20 and 21 says now, when evening came, Jesus was required planning at the table with the 12 disciples, and they were eating. And he said, truly, I say to you, that one of you will betray me.

Being deeply grieved, they each one began to say to him, surely Lord, not I.

And so there is this discussion if you will, that there. Having an Jesus during this conversation says one of you is going to betray me.

Now that should come as pretty shocking me because these 12 men have been with Jesus for approximately 3 1/2 years. They've seen him teach. They've seen him minister. They've seen him forgive people if they seen him heal people. They've seen him cast out demons. They've seen him in a number of different instances.

And yet one of them is going to betray an so.

That should.

If you will come as a shock, and so he announces because he's told them that I'm going to tell you all things that happened before, so that when they do happen down the road, you are going to come to believe because I told you in advance. So one of the things that he tells them because the Scriptures says that he will be betrayed. So he says, it's one of you. And then the automatic responses.

Lord, is it me is it? Is it I am I the one who's going to betray you? And so there is this.

Around the table if you will questioning who is it that's going to betray Jesus? And so now we're going to jump to John. Chapter 13.

Song with verse 21.

Now, when Jesus had said this, he became trouble in Spirit and testified and said, truly, truly, I say to you, that one of you will betray me. And the disciples been looking at one another at a loss, to know which one he was speaking.

And there was reclining at the table one of his disciples whom Jesus loved.

Now this is John's way of saying it's me.

John's ever going to say?

I'm Jesus, his favorite.

He says the one that Jesus loved. Well, Jesus loved all of them and an even in before he said he loved them to the end. But John apparently holds some special place in Jesus is heart and so again, instead of saying I'm the favorite, he goes the one whom Jesus really loved.

So Simon Peter gesture to him is said to him, tell us who it is, of whom he is speaking. So Peter is Peter Peter's got to know what's going on. Peters isn't. It's not good enough for me to say. Is it me? Is it you? I wanna know, and so because John has this special relationship. And apparently John at the table. And again we have the picture of the Last Supper painted on that painting, which is a mural.

Of them sitting there there reclining at the table and and the true kind of ideas is that John is kind of like leaning on Jesus's chest.

As a part of it so he's closer, so is Peters going. Hey John, you're close to Jesus asked him who it is, so I'm trying to. This is real. This is real life alright if somebody said something bad is going to happen, you would want to know who it is and what it was Peter's no different.

And so he goes. OK, if John's your favorite, then John, you ask him 'cause you're closest to him.

And then verse 26 is.

And he, as he was leaning on his bosoms, US Jesus bosom. He said to him, Lord, who is it?

And Jesus then answered.

That is the one for whom I shall dip like the morsel. If the morsel, and give it to him.

And so Jesus gives us a clue and says, OK, the King James says stop, and that's that's a word that we really don't use today. So I'd kind of look it up.


Again, Thanksgiving meal as and I have what I want you to. And if you don't like gravy and you probably don't do it but one of if you like gravy and you have a extra piece of bread using what you do is you dip the bread in the gravy, which makes the red moist.

That's op.

You made it more liquid so so Jesus apparently is taken and so they could have used a role because it's unleavened bread. So maybe he took the matzah, put it in some fluid like them and said whoever it is, I give this morsel to this SOP to is the one who will betray me.

And so going back again to Matthew Chapter 26.

We see this.

And we're going to look at first 24.

The son of man is to go just as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed. It would have been better good for him that that man, if he had not been born.

Anne Judith, who is betraying him, said surely it is not I rabbi.


is a betrayer so much so that we will use the term you're a Judith. If somebody betrays somebody.

Not only is it betrayer, he's stupid.

Because here's the Lord of Lord, here's the King of Kings. Here's the one who was predicted.

All of these various things that have come true.

The one who got 30 pieces of silver. The one Jesus has said somebody is going to betray me and there are two people who know who is going to betray Jesus, Jesus and Judas.

And he goes. Shirley is not I rabbi.

And Jesus said to him.

You have said it yourself.

So now I want you to go back to John.

Chapter 13 and we're going to take a look what goes on afterwards.

And so on. John Chapter 13, verse 28. It says this.

So when he had dipped the morsel, he took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.

Now they're more sold. Satan then entered into him.

Therefore, Jesus said to him, what you do do quickly?

So Jesus has told Peter and John.

This is Judith who has betrayed me.

And Jesus tells Judith.

What you do go do quickly get it over with.

Don't delay.

And that we see the Satan hadn't always resided in Judith.

He entered into Judas.

At an opportune time.

Because he was upset that he couldn't use the money that was given.

In fragrance.

To anoint Jesus.

And made a bargain and now we see Satan entering into him to accomplish the task.

Now, one of those who are client at the table new for what purpose he said this or summer, supposing because Judas had the Money Box that Jesus was saying to him by the things that we have need of for the fees, or else that he should give something to the poor.

So after receiving the morsel, he went out immediately.

And it was night.

And so now there are no longer the 12 disciples Judas has left to go out and complete his bargain to betray Jesus.

So he's left so the rest of the supper and and so now if John and Peter are aware there are now three people who are aware that Judas is the portrayer.


Peter and John.

The rest of the disciples.

Kind of don't have a clue.

They're not sure why Judas left there. Not sure why Jesus fed him that morsel.

They make an assumption.

Judas is the treasure of the group. Maybe we need some other stuff. Maybe we need some additional matzo. Maybe we need some more wine, maybe it's whatever, and or maybe he's going to go out and make a gift to the poor there, making assumptions because they're not sure what's going to go on.

So Judas leaves.

One more time we're going to go back to Matthew 26.

We won't be going back to John for awhile now, so.

You can forget about John.

It's kind of a dear John letter, if you will.

Somebody got my joke.

Verse 26.

And while they were eating.

Jesus took some bread and after blessing he broke it.

And gave it to the disciples. I want to stop there.

One of the sad things in.

In church practice.

Is that we will argue about aspects of what will either call the Lord Supper or Communion, or the Eucharist or whatever name you want to call this.

But it seems to have been divorced.


it's context.

When we come and celebrate communion.

It is in the context of the Passover. It is in the context that God had done something extraordinary.

He freed his people from the grip of bondage of slavery and delivered them to the promised land that God.

Was present with them through their journeys. The original plan was it was going to take a few months.

Ended up taking 40 years, but even though God was angry with them in the desert in the wilderness, he never left them nor forsake them.

He was faithful to his promises, not only to them but to Abraham.

Who said your descendants will come to this land and possess it?

So God was powerful and he delivered his people an in this Remembrance. Jesus is going to now set something even more important in this context that God is going to do something even more tremendously powerful. Not only is he going to free a nation, he's going to free all nations from the bondage and slavery of not physical sin.

Not physical slavery, but spiritual slavery.

That he in this context that as we celebrate what God has done to free his people, we will now celebrate what God has done to free all people.

And so Jesus has done so. Even significant. We talk about the washing of feet. And we talked about him becoming a servant. And now we're going to talk about what is really happening. And so he says he's going to take this bread.

Now, if you've been in a Passover Seder.

What happens is we had the ceremonial meal, which is we take off a unleavened bread. We take it. We put some lamb on it. We put some horseradish for the bitter herbs. Make a little what they call a gamiel sandwich and we eat it.

And those who are brave but a lot of horse rush on it an for those who not so much put a tiny bit on it and we eat it. Some like the lamb, some don't like the lamb but but that's not the meal. That's the ceremony. And then there is a meal.

And so in this.

Huggard are in this.

Supper that they're experiencing. They've had the ceremonial meal. They have had the real meal.

Now, maybe lamina may have been whatever, but it was additional food and they were drink an in the ceremony and is part of the hagada. They have two glasses of wine before the meal, and they have two glasses of wine after and so that's why you, if you've been to one, you start to appreciate how tired the disciples are, because it's a long evening. You've had to prepare for it. You've had this thing, and then you've had four glasses of wine, and you're kind of tired.

And so.

In the present Haaga da.

There is this.

3rd Master that's in the middle that is taken out, wrapped in a linen cloth and hid. Now in Jewish custom what they do is they hide it and the kids go try to find it. Whoever finds it gets a gift.

I suspect Jesus didn't hide this bread. He didn't give the disciple who found it a gift. It's it's kind of keep the kids interested in a long evening. But there is this one that is set aside. Jesus takes this one and he does something unique and he says.

And he took some bread and after a blessing, so after he prayed, he broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, take, eat, this is my body.

So now he's changed the whole meaning of Passover is now no longer looking back at how God has delivered Israel from Egypt. He saying in this meal, this bread represents the bread of this bread represents my body. It is broken for you.

You see, it's personal.

All too often we love to argue doctrine and situations and who's right and who's wrong. But rarely do we teach our children about it being personal.

And Jesus is taking this personal Passover Seder and made it even more personal because he says not only that God delivered you from Egypt, he's delivering you from sin. And how did he do that? Because of my broken body, which was done for you.

And when are you taking a Cup and giving thanks? He gave it to them saying drink from it, all of you, for this is the blood of the covenant which is poured out.

For many, for their givenness of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the Vine from now on, until that day, when I drink it.

New with you in my father's Kingdom.

He tells them and the other gospels like Luke make it very plain that this Cup is the Cup after supper.

He's saying we're changing the meaning of this Cup.

It is a cuff that represents a new covenant, a new contract, and in that contract is like very similar to Passover in Passover they took the blood of the lamb and placed it on the door post and on the lentil in on the side and the death Angel when he saw the blood passed over.

And Jesus says, this is the blood of New Covenant. This is the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world. And when he sees that blood appan you for the forgiveness of sins, he will pass over our.


and it doesn't matter what they are.

He has taken this beautiful.


To recall what God is done.

Instead, it and you to recall what God is doing.

But Jesus says I'm not going to drink of this anymore. If this is for you.

But there will come a day that I will drink it.

When we all are in the Kingdom of God.

There is a.


in a Jewish seder. It's called Elijah Cup, 'cause they're looking for Elijah to come because Elijah needs to come before the Messiah, and so they have a coven, etc separate table and they called the Elijah Cup.

You know what? I've never seen a Jesus Cup.

'cause Jesus says I'm not going to drink of this until the Kingdom.

So maybe if we ever celebrate a Passover again, maybe not only should we do in Elijah Cup, maybe we should do it Jesus Cup saying I'm looking forward to the day when we're drinking this with you, Jesus.

Now, in case you think I'm making too much of this.

And I don't believe I can make too much of this.

It is that important.

And is that sad that we as believers, by and large, not just our congregation but Christians have no clue?

Then we take matzo unleavened bread, an grape juice or wine. And we do these things, and we recall these things an we're worried about being worthy or not worthy.

But we forgot the teaching of how personal it is.

But in first Corinthians.

Chapter 11

sorry with verse 23 it says this.

Now this is Paul writing.

For I received from the Lord, that which I also delivered to you.

Jesus taught Paul this. Paul wasn't one of the 12.

Matter of fact, he was an enemy of the church.

How important must it be?

For Jesus.

Personally, to teach Paul.

About what took place?

And what we call the Last Supper.

That he spends time and there Paul says I didn't get this from Peter. I didn't get this from John. I didn't get this from Thomas. I didn't get it from any of those guys. I gotta directly from Jesus.

For I received from the Lord, that which I also deliver you.

That the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed.

So obviously important.

Took bread and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, this is my body which is for you. Do this in Remembrance of me.

We don't just break the bread and say, ah, isn't it interesting? I don't know why we eat matzah this time of day, but OK, we do we do this in his Remembrance. We do this in his honor. We do this because we know who he is and what he's done.

In the same way he took the Cup also after supper, there is a particular designation of this Cup.

Saying this Cup is the new Covenant in my blood. Do this as often as you drink it in Remembrance of me.

Jesus in put a timetable. There are a lot of churches that have communion on the 1st Sunday of every month. Other churches do it every week. Some churches never do it in our church doesn't when I feel like it.

That's the truth.

And I'll tell you why I do it when I feel like it because I don't want it to be wrote. It's that important. I want you to appreciate this because I want you to appreciate what Jesus has done for you and for me.

And then we do this.

Not because it's the first Sunday of the month, but we do it in his honor and in his remembers of what he's done.

For as often as you eat this bread and you drink the Cup.

You proclaim the Lord's death.

You see, we do more than just.

Eat some unleavened bread and drink some grape juice or wine.

It is a declaration of Jesus's death is a testimony that he died for me.

And he died for you, and he died for us. And we are declaring that death.

And when we take those elements.

There is a sense of.


That it was necessary.

For the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to die for my sins, and my shame.

And that's bad enough.

But I said not far more after I became a believer than before.

And he still.

His blood is still effective.

For those sins.

And the necessity of that happening.

Can be an is depressing.


there is celebration because we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

Which means it is a statement of faith. Yes, Jesus died for me. But just like he taught before the Seder an at during the Saver Theater, an after the Seder, I'm coming back, guys.

I'm coming back.

I'm coming not only as.

The humble servant.

But I am coming back, truly acknowledged in the glory of the Son of God.

And we declare that death until he comes. So yes, there's sadness. But there ought to be rejoicing.

He's coming.

Maybe not soon enough.

But he's coming.

So Jesus.

In this little meal.

That ended up start out with 13 people, now 12.

Has changed dramatically the meaning of the theater.

Has changed it from what God had done to deliver his people to what God is doing to deliver his people.

And that as they represented an as they celebrated the Passover. Personally, it was always what God had done for them. It was not what God did for ancestors, even in the questions. The children wouldn't ask.

Why is this?

Night different than all the rest is all because God did this for us. God did this for us and when we celebrate the Communion or Lord Supper or Eucharist or whatever you want to call it.

It is not a well. This is interesting. It is what God has done for us. It's personal and he is changed it and we need to celebrate it in such a way as to understand that is in the context of the great things that God has done. The great thing that God is doing and that it is for us.

During the seder.

It represent it.

Their God.

Delivered his people.


In this.

It is celebrating.

May God has opened the door to all of us.

That he is a made a way for all of us.

Through his broken body and through his blood, he has made a way for all of us that we become not just children of Abraham because we have shared DNA. We are truly children of Abraham because we have faith because he gave us that faith through grace.

And so this should be an accelerant. A celebration of excitement.

That God.

Provided a way for me to sit down at his table to lie down at his table.

And maybe.

I won't be as lucky. Not maybe I won't be as lucky.

Is John to lean on his breath?

But he made a way for me to be at the table.

He made a way for you to be at the table.

So as we're going to sing in a little bit.

Not only is he a waymaker, he does those things.

Even when we think nothing's happening.

Even when we feel nothing is happening.

I'm pretty sure these guys are, well, this is a pretty cool satyr. Jesus did some kind of unusual things. He washed our feet.

So breaking bread and drinking a Cup and saying that it's about him an that's unusual.

So they saw the true significance of when he hung on a cross.

They saw the victory when he rose from the dead.


Turn our ministry in our lives. We kind of wonder what God's doing.

Hannah seems to be.


the greatest victory is going to happen in a few hours from this night.

Sometimes God is allowing that difficulty in our lives.

To prepare us.

When we don't understand it for the greatest victories.

Because he is.

And always will be.

A waymaker

and all God's people said.

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